Monday, March 3, 2008


The paranasal sinus is the spaces within the bones behind the nose and cheeks. Para nasal means “around or near the nose.” Sinuses are cavities or small tunnels. Each sinus is lined with cells that produce mucus to prevent the lining of the nose from drying out, and moisten the air that we breathe. They also give your voice an individual tone, lighten the weight of the skull, and provide a bony frame work for the eyes and face.

Paranasal sinus cancer is a rare type of cancer that can occur at any age, but is very rare in people under 40. Men are twice as likely to be diagnosed with it than women. Smoking has been found to increase the risk of developing cancer in this area of the body. Also people who use snuff for many years, or those who work in the wood or furniture industry and are exposed to wood dust, are more likely to develop it. Paranasal sinus cancer is not infectious or inherited and cannot be passed on to other people. Like many other forms of cancer, the exact causes are unknown.

The symptoms can vary depending on which sinuses are affected. The most common symptoms include:
Pain behind the nose or upper teeth
Blocked sinuses which do not clear
Swelling around the eyes and double vision
Numbness of the cheek, lip, upper teeth or side of the nose
Persistent nosebleeds, headaches, and speech changes

Paranasal sinus cancer is most likely to be cured when diagnosed at an early stage. Therefore, any of the above symptoms should be reported to your doctor if they don’t improve in over a few days. The following tests are commonly used to make a firm diagnosis:
X-rays--- to show the size and position of the cancer
CT or MRI scan---to find the exact site of the cancer, or check for any spread
Nasopharyngoscopy---biopsy to examine abnormal tissue for cancer cells
Treatment of paranasal sinus cancer will depend on the position and stage of the cancer, the type, the grade, and your health in general. The following treatments alone or in combination with one another maybe used for your situation:
Surgery---can be quite extensive and in some cases skin grafts or flaps are needed
Radiotherapy---uses high energy rays to destroy the cancer cells
Chemotherapy---uses anti-cancer (cytotoxic) drugs to destroy cancer cells
For more information on paranasal sinus cancer go to

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